What a career these guys have had. I mean, Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik to Speakerboxx/The Love Below. How many hip-hop groups have had an arc like that? This was from their obligatory comic book influenced album.
WTF ever happened to these guys? I mean, they were kinda big for a hot minute; I remember hearing about their 'get out of jail' rally/party for dude that was in their group all the way out in Cali, and within a year after they dropped their album :poof: gone.
While I love Gang Starr, this shirt, unfortunately, is from the album that I see as the beginning of the end for them. This album was somewhat hotly contested as alot of fans who had been with them from the beginning didn't like it too much, but the new-jacks who maybe had only been on board since Daily Operation or Hard 2 Earn were all up on it. There were a few choice jams, not the least of which is this non-album, b-side cut.